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Dr. P. Addo-Fordjour

Dr. P. Addo-Fordjour

          Senior Lecturer                                                   Click to View Full Profile







BIOL 153 Medical Genetics
BIOL 154 Population Genetics and Evolution
BIOL 155 Plant Morphology and Anatomy
BIOL 159 Principles of Systematics
BIOL 258 Principles of Ecology I
BIOL 353 Principles of Ecology II
BIOL 451 Biosystematics
BIOL 452 Biodiversity Conservation and Utilisation


BIOL 501 Ecosystems, Conservation and Vegetation Analysis

Research Areas

Tropical forest ecology, the role of human disturbance in maintaining plant/animal species diversity, impacts of silvicultural treatments on plant assemblages and biodiversity, community ecology of lianas, plant biomass allometric models development, tropical forest biomass/carbon stock assessment, ethnobotany, and assessment of copper concentrations in soils and plants of fumigated farms.

Research Programme Summary

My research activities focus on community ecology of plants and animals in tropical forests. Specifically, my studies involve identifying factors that influence plant community diversity and structure, and animal community assemblages for management and conservation of tropical forests. I am also involved in plant taxonomy and ethnobotany. Organisms of interest include trees, lianas, epiphytes, mistletoes, birds and insects. 

Selected Publications

  1. Addo-Fordjour P., Rahmad Z.B., Shahrul A.M.S. & Asyraf M. (2015). Impacts of forest management on liana diversity and community structure in a tropical forest in Ghana: implications for conservation. Journal of Forestry Research, DOI 10.1007/s11676-015-0163-4.
  2. Addo-Fordjour P. & Rahmad Z.B. (2015). Liana community assemblages in relation to human disturbance in a tropical forest in Ghana: implications for conservation. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, DOI:10.1080/21513732.2015.1041159.
  3. Addo-Fordjour P., Osei B.A. & Kpontus E.A. (2015). Butterfly community assemblages in relation to human disturbance in a tropical upland forest in Ghana, and implications for conservation. Journal of Insect Biodiversity 3(6): 1-18.
  4. Addo-Fordjour P. & Rahmad Z.B. (2015). Patterns of liana abundance, reproductive traits and liana-tree relationships in relation to forest management in a tropical forest in Ghana. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 34(8): 832-857.
  5. Addo-Fordjour P. & Rahmad Z.B. (2015). Environmental factors associated with liana community assemblages in a tropical forest reserve, Ghana. Journal of Tropical Ecology 31(1):69-79.
  6. Addo-Fordjour P., Rahmad Z.B. & Shahrul A.M.S. (2014). Impacts of forest management on community assemblage and carbon stock of lianas in a tropical lowland forest, Malaysia. Tropical Conservation Science 7(2): 244-259.
  7. Rahmad Z.B., Addo-Fordjour P., Asyraf M. & Rosely N.F.N. (2014). Mistletoe abundance, distribution and associations with trees along roadsides in Penang, Malaysia. Tropical Ecology 55(2): 255-262.
  8. Addo-Fordjour P., Rahmad Z.E. & Shahrul A.M.S. (2014). Environmental factors influencing liana community diversity, structure and habitat associations in a tropical hill forest, Malaysia. Plant Ecology and Diversity 7(4): 485-496.
  9. Addo-Fordjour P., Rahmad Z.B., Amui J., Pinto C. & Dwomoh M. (2013). Patterns of liana community diversity and structure in a tropical rainforest reserve, Ghana: effects of human disturbance. African Journal of Ecology 51(2): 51: 217-227. 
  10. Addo-Fordjour P. & Rahmad Z.B. (2013). Mixed species allometric models for estimating above-ground liana biomass in tropical primary and secondary forests, Ghana. ISRN Forestry vol. 2013, Article ID 153587, 9 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/153587.
  11. Addo-Fordjour P. & Rahmad Z.B. (2013). Development of allometric equations for estimating above-ground liana biomass in tropical primary and secondary forests, Malaysia. International Journal of Ecology, vol. 2013, Article ID 658140, 8 pages, Doi:10.1155/2013/658140.
  12. P. Addo-Fordjour, P. El Duah, & D.K.K. Agbesi (2013). Factors influencing liana species richness and structure following anthropogenic disturbance in a tropical forest, Ghana. ISRN Forestry volume 2013, Article ID 920370, 11 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/920370.
  13. P. Addo-Fordjour, H. Gyimah Gyamfi, B. Fei-Baffoe & A.Y. Akrofi (2013). Impact of copper-based fungicide application on copper contamination of cocoa plants and soils in the Ahafo Ano North District, Ashanti region, Ghana. Ecosystem, Environment and Conservation 19(2): 303-310.
  14. A.K. Anning, P.E. Korsah & P. Addo-Fordjour (2013). Phytoremediation of Wastewater with Limnocharis Flava, Thalia Geniculata and Typha Latifolia in Constructed Wetlands. International Journal of Phytoremediation 15(5): 452-464.
  15. Addo-Fordjour P., Rahmad Z.B. & Asyraf M. (2012). Impacts of forest management on liana abundance and liana-tree relationships in a tropical forest, Malaysia: implications for forest conservation. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services & Management, 9(1): 13-20.
  16. Addo-Fordjour P., Rahmad Z.B., & Shahrul A.M.S. (2012). Effects of human disturbance on liana community diversity and structure in a tropical rainforest, Malaysia: implication for conservation. Journal of Plant Ecology 5(4): 391-399.
  17. P. Addo-Fordjour, A.K. Anning, W.G. Akanwariwiak,  E.J.D. Belford & C.K. Firempong (2012). Medicinal plants of Ghana. In: Singh, R.J. (Ed.). Genetic resources, chromosome engineering, and crop improvement: Medicinal plants. Volume 6. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, USA, pp. 221-246.
  18. P. Addo-Fordjour, S. Obeng, M.G. Addo & S. Akyeampong (2009). Effects of human disturbances and plant invasion on liana community structure and relationship with trees in the Tinte Bepo forest reserve, Ghana. Forest Ecology and Management 258(5): 728–734.
  19. P. Addo-Fordjour, A.K. Anning, J.A. Larbi & S. Akyeampong (2009). Liana species richness, abundance and relationship with trees in the Bobiri forest reserve, Ghana: impact of management systems. Forest Ecology and Management, 257(8): 1822-1828.
  20. P. Addo-Fordjour, A.K. Anning, E.J.D. Belford & D. Akonnor (2008). Diversity and conservation of medicinal plants in the Bomaa community of the Brong Ahafo region, Ghana. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research2(9): 226-233.
  21. P. Addo-Fordjour, A.K. Anning, M.G., Addo & M.F. Osei (2009). Composition and distribution of vascular epiphytes in a tropical semi-deciduous forest, Ghana. African Journal of Ecology47(4): 767–773.



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