The following are some of the publications from research undertaken by staff and
students in the 2008/2009 academic year:
1. Adam, J. I. and Baidoo, P. K. (Accepted) Susceptibility of five cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) varieties to attack by Callobruchus maculatus (Fab.) [Coleoptera:
Brachidae]. Journal of Ghana Science Association.
2. Addo, M. G., Akanwariwiak, W. G., Addo-Fordjour, P. & Obiri-Danso, K.(2008) Microbiological and sensory analysis of imported fruit juices in Kumasi, Ghana.
Research Journal of Microbiology, 3 (8): 552-558.
3. Addo-Fordjour, P., Anning, A. K., Addo, M.G. and Osei, M. F. (Accepted)
Composition and distribution of vascular epiphytes in a tropical semi-deciduous forest,
Ghana. African Journal of Ecology.
4. Addo-Fordjour, P., Anning, A. K., Belford, E. J. D. & Akonnor, D. (2008). Diversity
and conservation of medicinal plants in the Bomaa community of the Brong Ahafo
region, Ghana. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2(9): 226-233.
5. Addo-Fordjour, P., Anning, A. K., Larbi, J. A. & Akyeampong, S. (2009) Liana
species richness, abundance and relationship with trees in the Bobiri forest reserve,
Ghana: Impact of management systems. Forest Ecol. Manage. 157 (8): 1822 1828.
6. Afrane, Y. A., Little, T. J., Lawson, B. W., Githeko, A. K. and Yau, G. (2008)
Deforestation and Vectorial Capacity of Anopheles gambiae. Giles Mosquitoes in
Malaria Transmission, Kenya. Emerging Infections Diseases 14 (10): 1533 1538.
7. Andoh, L. A., Abaidoo, R. C., Obiri-Danso, K., Drechsel, P., Kondrasen, F. and
Klanck, L. T. (2009) Helminth contamination of lettuce and associated risk factors at
production sites, markets and street food vendor points in urban and peri-urban Kumasi,
Ghana. Research Journal of Microbiology 4 (1): 13 22.
8. Anning, A. K. and Grant, N. T. (2008) An evaluation of local community
participation in forest resources conservation in some selected districts of Ghana. The
African Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 2 (2): 39 45.
9. Anning, A.K., Akyeampong, S., Addo-Fordjour, P., Anti, K.K., Kwarteng, A. and
Tettey, Y.F. (2008) Floristic composition and vegetation structure of the KNUST
Botanic Garden, Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Science and Technology 28 (3): 103 116.
10. Dare, J., Abaidoo, R. C., Fagbola, O. and Asiedu, R. (2008) Effect of arbuscular
mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphorus application on yield and nutrient uptake of
yam Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 6 (2) 227 233.
11. Dare, J., Abaidoo, R. C., Fagbola, O. and Asiedu, R. (2008) Variability of yam
(Dioscorea spp.) genotypes in root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhiza in the yam
belt of Nigeria. J. A. F. E. 6 (2): 227 233.
12. Drechsel, P., Keraita, B., Amoah, P., Abaidoo, R. C., Raschid-Sally, L. and Bahri, A. (2008) Reducing health risks from wastewater use in urban and peri-urban sub-
Saharan Africa: Applying the 2006 WHO guidelines. Water Science and Technology 57 (9).
13. Dubey, J. P., Huong, L. T. T., Lawson, B. W., Subekti, D. T., Tassi, P., Cabaj, W., Sundas, N., Velmurugan, G. V., Kwok, O. C. H. and Su, C. (2008) Sereprevalence and
Isolation of Toxoplasma gondii from Free-Range Chickens in Ghana, Indonesia, Italy, Poloand and Vietnam. J. Parasitol. 94 (1) 68 71.
14. Fei-Baffoe, B. and Busch, G. (2009) Solid waste management in Accra, Ghana Anaerobic digestion as an appropriate pretreatment option prior to landfilling. Journal
of Solid Waste Technology and Management 35 (2): 67 77.
15. Jemo, M., Nolte, C. Tchienkoua, M., Abaidoo, R. C. (2008) Biological nitrogen fixation potential by soybeans at two low-P soils southern Cameroon. Nutrient Cycling in
16. Kamara, A. Y., Kwari, J., Ekeleme, F., Omoigui, L. and Abaidoo, R. C. (Accepted for publication) Effects of phosphorus application and soybean cultivar on grain and
dry matter yield of subsequent maize in the tropical savannas of north-eastern Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology.
17. Mac-Mensah, E. E., Larbi, J. A. and Gyang, F. N. (2007) Polymerase chain reaction to determine frequency of pyrimethamine (Daraprim) resistant Plasmodium falciparum
in Volta and Greater Accra regions of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Science 86 47: 11 16.
18. Nwoke, O. C., Diels, J., Abaidoo, R. C., Nziguheba, G. and Merckx, R. (2008) Root characteristics and accumulation of organic acids in the rhizosphere of soybean
(Glycine max) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in relation to phosphorous acquisition in low-P savanna soils. African Journal of Biotechnology 7 (20): 3617 3624.
19. Obiri-Danso, K., Adjei, B. Stanley, K. N. and Jones, K. (2009) Microbiological quality and metal levels in wells and borehole water in some peri-urban communities in Kumasi,
Ghana. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 3 (1): 059 066.
20. Obiri-Danso, K., Hogarh, J. N. and Antwi-Agyei, P. (2008) Assessment of contamination of singed hides from cattle and goats by heavy metals in Ghana. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2 (8): 217 221.
21. Oikeh, S. O., Houngnandan, P., Abaidoo, R. C., Rahimou, I., Toure, A. Niang, A. and Akintayo, I. (2008) Integrated soil fertility management involving promiscuous dual-purpose soybean and upland NERICA enhanced rice productivity in the savannas. Nutrient Cycling in
22. Timbilla, J. A., Yeboah-Gyan and Lawson, B. W. (2008) Attraction of Zonocerus variegates (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) to Pyrolizidine Alkaloids: A Potential Novel Approach to its Management. Journal of Entomology 5 (2): 103 112.
23. Yusif, A. A., Abaidoo, R. C., Iwuafor, E. N. O., Olufajo, O. O. and Sanginga, N. (2008) Rotation effects of grain legumes and fallow on maize yield, microbial biomass and chemical properties of an Alfisol in the Nigerian savanna (in press; Ms. No. AGEE3687R2).
24. Yusif, A. A., Abaidoo, R. C., Iwuafor, E. N. O. and Olufajo, O. O. (2008) Genotype effects of cowpea and soybean on nodulation N2- fixation and N balance in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Journal of Agronomy 7 (3) 258 264.
25. Amoah, P., Abaidoo, R., and Drechsel, P. (2008). Sources of pathogen contamination in urban vegetable farms in Ghana. In: F.-R. Mahieu (Ed.) Agricultures et Développement Urbain en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre. Editions de L'Harmattan, collection "éthique économique", p. 123-132.
26. Drechsel, P., Raschid-Sally, L., Abaidoo, R. (2008) Reducing risk from wastewater
use in urban farming a case study of Accra, Ghana. In: Urban water security: managing
risks' (Eds. Jimenez, B. and Joan Rose). UNESCO publication (in press).
27. Junge, B., Abaidoo, R., Chikoye, D., and Stahr, K. (2008) Monograph on Soil
Conservation in Nigeria: Past and Present on-Station and on-Farm Initiatives. Soil and
Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, Iowa, USA.